Announcement on Counterfeit Product (Vietnam market)

Dear customers:
This news is to inform you that it is confirmed the COUNTERFEIT of EMFLOW products has been sold in the Vietnam market which is not authorized by us.

We issue this warning to all our valuable customers to avoid confusion and false purchase. We keep investigating counterfeit products.

As mentioned above, counterfeit products are still sold in the Vietnam market. We recommend purchasing EMFLOW products at : VIVA INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT AND ENGINEERING JOINT STOCK COMPANY

This is our only authorized dealer in Vietnam.

If you cannot recognize whether an official product or counterfeit product or find suspicious products, please kindly contact us.

Last and the most important part is that EMFLOW will definitely NOT guarantee the warranty of counterfeit products. Please DO NOT purchase counterfeit products from unknown Vietnam sellers.

EMFLOW Official Email:

EMFLOW Official Website: www.EMFLOW.TW

Best regards